Start stalking the grimy streets of Doskvol quickly with these official Blades in the Dark character creation decks! Whether you’re gathering for a one-shot or starting a new campaign, these decks provide you a complete set of options with some quick and easy card draws. Cut to the chase and dive into your next heist!
These three decks summarize the options available at each step of the crew generation process, so you don’t have to absorb the entire setting or the rules to start crafting your band of scoundrels. Instruction cards walk you through it all and the individual cards feature references to the relevant page in the Blades in the Dark rulebook if you want more detail. Put all the intriguing choices behind Blades in the palm of your hand with these character creation decks and get your game up and running quickly.
Availability: Fall 2022
Make a distinct, inspiring character that fits the world and your play style with the Blades in the Dark Character Deck.
In this 88-card deck, you’ll find:
- Playbook, heritage, background, and vice mini-decks designed to generate a complete scoundrel quickly and easily.
- A social circles mini-deck, granting your character new options for their friends and connections. No more overlap in choices if two players choose the same playbook.
- A kit mini-deck offering alternative starting equipment packs. Customize your equipment with the Adept kit, Hunter kit, and more.
- A hunting creature mini-deck featuring animal companions that might stalk the shadows of Doskvol.
Pick the type of crew you want, then quickly pull it all together! Customize your crew with its own relationships, style, ability, and reputation and get your hideout locked down so your advent.
In this 73-card deck, you’ll find:
- Each of the six crew types has its own mini-deck with cards for reputation, lair, favored operation, special ability, crew upgrades, and crew names.
- Further, each relationship card has a district and a couple factions so players can choose an allied group, rival group, and a favorite contact.
- A supplemental crew playbook PDF featuring an alternate list of crew friends.
“Wait, who were the Silver Nails again?” This deck faithfully depicts the many factions within Blades in the Dark and expands upon them. Andrew Shields has drawn on material from his Doskvol novels and his own game table to bring your crew new groups to tangle with. This deck makes a terrific reference to have on hand every session.
In this 94-card deck, you’ll find:
- A mini-deck for each faction summarizing who they are, along with their Tier and Hold. Cards also include the faction’s turf, three NPCs that might represent the faction, the faction’s notable assets, quirks to get into their mindset fast, and a roster of allies and enemies.
- A mini-deck for each district providing a quick summary of the area, as well as the district’s landmarks and Traits. For daring scoundrels aiming further afield, the district mini-deck is expanded with beyond cards for locations outside the lightning walls, like the Void Sea and the Lost District.
Quickly learn the hand fate has dealt you with the Blades in the Dark Character, Crew, and Faction decks. Shadowy intrigues and bold deeds await in the haunted streets of Doskvol. Skip flipping through the book, grab a handful of cards, and dive in!