A streaming series of GM advice to help you get that game off the shelf and onto the table. Tips & tricks from expert GMs for running Blades in the Dark, Monster of the Week, Thirsty Sword Lesbians, and Fate.
We’ve invited some of the most prolific and talented GMs we know to share their tips, tricks, and “go to” moves in running a successful game. So whether you’re starting a new campaign or finally pulling that book off the “Oh Right I Crowdfunded This” pile, you’ll find advice you can use to make your game a hit with your players.
All Dice Pool events will be streamed live on Moonbeam. Subscriptions are available to our Dice Pool backers and through pre-order on BackerKit.

- January 11 (9AM-11AM PDT): Thirsty Sword Lesbians
- January 25 (9AM-11AM PDT): Monster of the Week
- February 8 (9AM-11AM PDT): Blades in the Dark
- February 22 (9AM-11AM PDT): Fate Core