Project: Perseus is a game about superspies and their handlers trying to complete missions against supernatural forces scheming to take over the earth during the late 80s and early 90s.
This game focuses on dynamic action, hard choices, and troubled trust issues.
Based on the Apocalypse World engine, this is a game features:
- Random Mission Generation. Use tables and prompts to mix up supernatural threats, global locales, and strategic contexts to create dynamic missions for any evening.
- Asymmetric Player Roles. There are two distinct roles on each mission—Agents, and an Operator.
- Agent Roles. Includes five unique playbooks to help you detail your human (or not-so-human) Agent working for the Project. Each comes with a messy background, unique skills, and something to give them an edge against the evils in the night.
- Operator Roles. Operators oversee the mission remotely, dancing on the edge between the Project-mandated objectives and their loyalty to their team. Three unique playbooks help you make sure the missions are successful through flashbacks and planning.
So finish your martini, load your guns, and check to make sure your Operator packed the wards, because this cult is summoning something nasty, and you’re the only Agent in the area.

Number of players: 3-5
Age of players: 13+
Length: 2-4 hours
Type of Game: Roleplaying Game
Languages Available: English
Product Number: TBD
Page Count: TBD
Format: Hardcover and Digital formats.
Release Date: TBD
Availability: Check here
Game Designer: Stras Acimovic and John LeBoeuf-Little