
What We Want

What we want in a game is a lot like what we want in life. I’m gonna riff a bit here on David McClelland via Peter Bregman with the list of desires that drive us:Achievement (To compete against increasingly challenging goals)Affiliation (To be liked/loved)Personalized power (influence and respect for yourself)Socialized Power (to offer others Personalized […]

Playability in Settings

Setting is, to my mind, utterly essential to RPGs, and has also been the poor cousin to rules design in a lot of the deeper discussions of RPGs. I’m not entirely sure how to address that, but I think a good start involves looking at setting design with the same eye we’ve applied to rules, […]

Play is an Argument

There’s a lot of discussion about what a game is, in the context of RPGs, and even when I propose an answer, I never imagine it to be the only answer. Still, it’s interesting to think about. I was chewing on that today and considered a slightly different approach – a game (or rather, the […]

I Woke Up With This In My Head

OK, what this means to me: The assumption is a 4 stat set in the spirit of Amber. The 4 stats are Endurance, Discipline, Power and Expression, with 4 derived stats, Willpower (Discipline & Endurance), Precision (Discipline & Power), Force (Power & Expression) and Presence (Expression & Endurance). The core model is a double-paired idea […]

I Want To Borrow 4e’s Foundation

Ok, here’s an important thing about 4e that I would suggest that even die hard fans of other editions consider: it’s foundation is excellent. In my opinion, it’s a better foundation than any previous edition of D&D, though I leave that comparison up to the reader. But what does that mean? I mean that if […]

Uniquely Qualified

Nothing breaks my heart more than when I hear a GM complain that he wishes there were more roleplaying in his game. It’s tragic because it’s always so heartfelt and sincere and is almost always followed by said GM then introducing his new combat showpiece, hardcore dungeon crawl, or puppet show on rails. It hurts […]

Roleplay and Exploration Rewards

I was struck by a tweet this morning regarding the difficulty with handing out XP awards for exploration and roleplaying, specifically, that such rewards are arbitrary and hard to rightsize. This immediately struck me as a very valid complaint, but also one that’s very easily addressable – it’s just a matter of identifying the behaviors […]

The Instinct for Scenes

One of the hallmarks of getting very good at something is that certain elements become habit. A musician doesn’t really think about tuning his instrument or running through a few familiar tunes. An athlete just falls naturally into proper form. This is one of those things that’s hard to measure because it’s not what they […]

Mixed Success and No-Fail Rolls in Fate

Here’s another idea banging around in my head about Fate that I’m not sure is ready for So to generalize, in Apocalypse World, players roll 2d6 for various things, which the results usually reading like: 2-6: Failure (you don’t get what you’re after, and things may well get worse) 7-9: Mixed/minimal success (success with […]

Geek #2: Productivity

This is my second Speak Out With Your Geek Out post. I am also a productivity geek. This has shown up in a few of my gaming posts like “Getting Things Dungeon” but it’s something that runs pretty deep for me. Like a lot of people I know, I was a bright slacker growing up. […]