
Heroic Adventuring

I ran a game last night on relatively little prep. I was using Dave Chalker’s Marvel Heroic RPG-D&D 4e hack, and I threw together some notes to create the adventure as quickly as I could and threw them up on google plus, just because they’re a nice showcase of how I think (NARCISSIST). However, fate […]

What Makes a Skill

Yesterday, I stole one idea form Bulldogs! and today I’m going to steal another. Back in the day, Feng Shui presented a very interesting way to handle skills that worked very well for it’s wide, loose model. In short, a skill represented three things. The first, Physical Ability, was the traditional meaning of a skill […]

Space Race

Before I start, let me give a quick plug for a young gaming blog, The authors are a pair of talented and inspired writers who are already off to an excellent start, and promise many cool things yet to come. Anyway, it should be obvious that I’m a big fan of Bulldogs!, and if […]

Normal (d6)

I cheat a bit when I run Leverage and its variants. According to the rules, when the GM spends a PP to create something, it’s created at d6. I’m less kind, and when I create things, they’re d8s, and for all intents and purposes, I have an infinite budget of d6s that I can use […]

It’s On Fire

Fred here. The following is an excerpt of a post I made to the FateRPG Yahoo Group, where someone was trying to wrap their head around the whole “On Fire is an Aspect” thing that pretty much comes up every time someone’s talking about aspects with folks who are less familiar with them. High time […]

How I See The Credits

The Marvel Heroic Roleplaying Game rolled out today. It’s awesome, simple as that, but I wanted to take a moment to throw up my own version of the credits page. That said, if you’re on this, and want your descriptor changed, add a comment, and it will happen!

WOTC’s 3 Pillars

Not sure I buy into this, but a mention on twitter of WOTC’s 3 pillers of RPG (Exploration, Roleplaying and Combat) popped it into my mind. (EDIT: Dave rightly points out that Wizards views these as the three pillars of D&D, a subtle but important distinction)

More Guys With Swords

For a friend’s birthday this weekend, a request was made for a game to be run, and given a combination of short notice and assessment of the taste of all players involved, I ran Two Guys With Swords. 2GwS has a somewhat fantastic self-selection process. It is run (at least by me) with a certain […]