Fate Accelerated Edition (EHP0002)

Fate Accelerated Edition (EHP0002)

Fate Accelerated is a streamlined version of the popular Fate Core system that brings all the flexibility and power of Fate in an easily digestible—and quickly read—package.

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Let’s face it: most roleplaying games aren’t grab-and-go. Giant books and prep work out the ying-yang can be fun if you’ve got the time, but what if you don’t? What if you’re looking for a last minute game? What if you’re new to the RPG world and want a no hassle way to try one out? What if you’re introducing your kids to RPGs and want something easily accessible for them that won’t bore you to tears? We’ve got a solution: Fate Accelerated Edition.

Fate Accelerated, or FAE, is a streamlined version of the popular Fate Core system that brings all the flexibility and power of Fate in an easily digestible—and quickly read—package. With FAE, you and your friends can step into the world of your favorite books, movies, and TV or you can create a world of your own. And set up is simple—you can be playing in minutes. Whether you’re new to RPGs or an expert gamer, FAE brings something special to the table.

Fate Accelerated Edition. Your story—full speed ahead.

6”x9” black & white, 48 pages, available in softcover (with complementary PDF) and PDF-only formats

Choose your Fate!

  • Looking for an in-depth walk-through of the system? Fate Core contains copious examples and under-the-hood design philosophy.
  • Want beginner-friendly, streamlined play? Check out Fate Accelerated, designed for speed.
  • Seeking a tight, refined, wallet-friendly rules reference? Put one (or more!) copies of Fate Condensed in easy reach, break out your dice, and start playing.

Whatever way you want to play, there’s a Fate that’s right for you!

Actual Plan and Reviews

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