Sean Nittner

Look under the Hat 2/22/23

February has been a busy month at the Hat. Love and Monsters are in the air! We launched a crowdfunding campaign for Codex of Worlds (which is doing great!), released the Apocalypse Keys Roll20 bundle, and we’re getting close to sending out more! Here’s a breakdown by product! Codex of Worlds – Crowdfunding Now! Open […]

Look under the Hat 1/18/23

Happy new year. We’re kicking it off with a new game to playtest (Deathmatch island), a new crowdfunding campaign on BackerKit (Codex of Worlds, a supplement for Monster of the Week including new Team Playbooks and Mystery Frameworks), and more to come! 2023 Projects Underway Here’s all the project that we’ve been working on this […]

Deathmatch Island – Crowdfunding now!

We’re very excited to announce that Evil Hat is publishing Deathmatch Island by Tim Denee! What is DMI? Deathmatch Island is a fast-paced game about a deadly gameshow on a mysterious island chain. The competitors don’t know how they got here. They have been selected and recruited, forced to risk their lives in a deadly […]

Look under the Hat 12/21/2022

Happy solstice and joyous Yuletide all. I’ve got another project status update just in time for the holidays. The family finally took our July 2020 European vacation…in December 2022. I’m home safe and sound now (with some extensive Christmas Market reviews if anyone wants them) and ready to give another look under the Hat. Here’s […]

Our Next Crowdfunding Campaign

Hello friends, We are gearing up for the crowdfunding campaign for Apocalypse Keys by Rae Nedjadi and wanted to take a brief moment to share the thinking behind our decision to launch it on Kickstarter. First, we want to be clear about our company values:  We at Evil Hat believe cryptocurrencies and NFTs are too […]

AGON: Realms of Khaos

by John Harper In development now Beyond the shores of Earth and the Vault of Heaven lie lands unknown—strange realms adrift within crystal spheres upon the swirling void of Khaos— the primordial origin of all that is and will be. Leaving the misty seas of their ancient world behind, a band of glorious heroes voyage […]

The Dagger Isles – In Development

A supplement for Blades in the Dark. Lead Developer: Pam Punzalan Contributing authors: Aaron Lim, Malika Lim Eubank, Sinta Posadas, Brenden Gibbons, Shao Han Tan, John Erwin Playbook developer: Nychelle Schneider Creative Director and Layout Template: John Harper Developmental Editor: Sean Nittner Editor: Karen Twelves Graphic Designer: Cris Viana