
Dice Pool

A streaming series of GM advice to help you get that game off the shelf and onto the table. Tips & tricks from expert GMs for running Blades in the Dark, Monster of the Week, Thirsty Sword Lesbians, and Fate. We’ve invited some of the most prolific and talented GMs we know to share their […]

Tomb Raider: Shadows of Truth

Explore hidden tombs and uncover powerful secrets! Defy danger as you race to discover forgotten artifacts and prevent nefarious forces from exploiting them! Mystery awaits, and sometimes, the answers we seek can only be found in shadow… In this officially licensed tabletop RPG you play members of the Truth Seekers: contemporaries of Lara Croft who […]


Abyssal by Ash Cheshire and Lara Turner Abyssal is a Forged in the Dark role-playing game about humans, monsters, and the people in between. In this game, you will play a group of no-longerfully-human, not-yet-fully-monsters, called Liminals—people who have been touched by supernatural forces, but not entirely overcome by them—who are working together to accomplish […]

As the Sun Forever Sets

As the Sun Forever Sets by Riley Daniels. As the Sun Forever Sets is a Forged in the Dark game about a group of ordinary Victorian people embroiled in the chaos of Britain as it collapses under the overwhelming weight of an invasion from Mars. Where our players go, how they’ll survive these extreme circumstances, […]

AGON: Realms of Khaos

by John Harper In development now Beyond the shores of Earth and the Vault of Heaven lie lands unknown—strange realms adrift within crystal spheres upon the swirling void of Khaos— the primordial origin of all that is and will be. Leaving the misty seas of their ancient world behind, a band of glorious heroes voyage […]

The Dagger Isles – In Development

A supplement for Blades in the Dark. Lead Developer: Pam Punzalan Contributing authors: Aaron Lim, Malika Lim Eubank, Sinta Posadas, Brenden Gibbons, Shao Han Tan, John Erwin Playbook developer: Nychelle Schneider Creative Director and Layout Template: John Harper Developmental Editor: Sean Nittner Editor: Karen Twelves Graphic Designer: Cris Viana