
Fate on Roll20: Tips and tricks

Here are a few more tips and tricks for playing Fate on the Roll20 virtual tabletop. Roll modifier prompt Useful macros Decks: Deck of Fate, fate points, safety tools, aspect tokens Roll modifier prompt If you are using the Fate by Evil Hat character sheet, you may have noticed this item in the character sheet […]

Fate on Roll20: Tips and tricks

Here are a few more tips and tricks for playing Fate on the Roll20 virtual tabletop. Roll modifier prompt Useful macros Decks: Deck of Fate, fate points, safety tools, aspect tokens Roll modifier prompt If you are using the Fate by Evil Hat character sheet, you may have noticed this item in the character sheet […]

Fate on Roll20, Part 3: Skills

Continuing with our block-by-block tour of our “Fate by Evil Hat” character sheet for Roll20, let’s take a look at blocks related to customizing skills. The Default Skill List Just like we described for aspects in Part 2, the global character sheet settings let the GM enter a custom skill list. For example, the Fate […]

Fate on Roll20, Part 2: Aspects

Aspect Types and Labels In Part 1, we looked at the global, game-wide settings on Evil Hat’s Fate character sheet for Roll20 (internally, we secretly call it the Fate omni sheet because it does so much more than characters!) Let’s take a closer look at the various blocks you can activate, starting appropriately: with aspects. […]

The Whiff Factor: GUMSHOE Edition

As a part of getting my head wrapped around the upcoming GUMSHOE game Mutant City Blues game from Pelgrane (think the Powers comic book as an RPG), I decided to sit down with The Esoterrorists and give it a read. I’d heard some mixed reviews (1, 2) about this game both online and off, and […]