
The Mechanics & Meeples DFCO Strategy Guide Contents

by Shannon Appelcline Game Historian of Designers & Dragons Board Game Analyst of Mechanics & Meeples Section I: The Three Resources Section II: Planning Your Actions Section III: Managing Your Actions Section IV: Playing Player Cards Section V-A: Removing Advantages & Obstacles Section V-B: Attacking Foes & Cases Section VI: Planning for the Win Section […]

System, Hold the Math

Just to illustrate something, here are a pair of systems that you can use as a basis for resolution.  They share two key characteristics – neither is math dependent but both are heavily expectations dependent. Math is, I hope, self explanatory, but expectations are another matter. What that means is that they depend on the […]

More Skills

So many good comments on the last post that I really can’t process them, except to note that they resulted in my digesting them, and lead to this. Ok, let’s start from a premise:  If you roll the dice, you’ll succeed. The idea behind this is pretty simple – if your character is one who […]

The Fragile Foundation of Skills

This is a rant.  I’m circling an idea, and if you read this, you get to watch. There’s a truism that gets rolled out from time to time when talking about old school D&D vs newer iterations (and more generally, old vs new games) and that is this: “No one fell off a horse before […]

Moving Pieces

This started out as another 13th Age post, but I ended up tabling it as a bigger issue came up in discussion which, I think, crystallized a few thoughts about games, how they’re run and how they’re played. Now, here’s the caveat up front: I’m speaking in broad generalizations here, not making assertions about anyone’s […]

Iconic Examples

So, here are a few specific tricks you might want to consider to build an interesting Icon set: The Icon DeckOne interesting thing about the existing 13 Icons is that they’re not hard to map to half of the greater arcana of the Tarot deck. Some of that is probably intentional, but it’s also almost […]